Monday, November 30, 2009

Speed Bump

Today was the day I was going to get back on track.

I wasn't (completely) freaking out about the sudden, inexplicable 6 pound gain over Thanksgiving (OMG I didn't even have seconds and only ate ONE. PIECE. of pie. TOTAL. For the whole 4 day weekend. But I digress.)

I was calm and ready. I turned in my temporary License To Eat without batting an eye and started paying attention to my calorie intake again like it was second nature.

Today I was going to report for duty with The Calorie Nazi. Today I was going to organize my calendar to accommodate a workout later this week.

As a concession to the recently flaring up foot pain, I even got my bike all set up in the bedroom.

And then.... I did something to my back.

Not sure what, but what started out last week as a leeetle tweaky feeling in my low back has ballooned into an OMG I can't move owowowowowOWOWOWOW kind of thing.

Never experienced anything quite like this before.

Show of hands... how many people think this might have something to do with my complete lack of training and the fact my core muscles now have less structural integrity than last week's failed cranberry jelly?

It doesn't help I have a clingy toddler with a neurological dysfunction that partly manifests in a desperate desire to be carried all the time.

So, yeah. Got a doctor appointment tomorrow.


Sixteen Chickens said...

It's from carrying the Bear. I doubt it has anything to do with your fitness level. I have experienced it with each of my children as they grew older but still needed to be carried. Even now with the teeny tiny Bean I have flare-ups. Be mindful of how you pick him up, try to use your legs and arms and not your back. If you rest him on your hip bone make sure you alternate sides and don't do it too often.

LBTEPA said...