Saturday, February 20, 2010

Shiny New Cardio Option

We had a little bit of breathing room with the tax money, so last night Wonderful Husband treated me to a shiny new piece of cardio equipment...

2009 K2 Athena

I wanted something to to let me "run" with Bear once he starts going on bike rides this spring without the risk of more running injuries. I'm so prone to getting hurt these days I'm trying to come up with every possible way to have fun and still sneak in a low impact workout. I'm especially excited about blading with the jogging stroller. I know it's not a replacement for real run workouts, but I think it's a good way to sneak in some extra cardio when I'm supposed to be doing stuff for my Bear.

I haven't been on rollerblades in at least 15 years, but I was pleased to discover I hadn't lost all my (limited!) skills. I still need loads of practice before I can safely take Kona out with them, but I surprised myself with how well I did testing them at the store.

And they're called Athena! It's like it was meant to be.

1 comment:

Pharmie said...

Love the new blades! I've always heard that you burn about 1/2 of the calories that you would through biking the same distance. Blading is SO much easier though - just remember the helmet and wrist guards!