Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Breaking a Mental Barrier

Isn't it funny when you catch yourself doing something you didn't think you could?

My training runs the last few weeks have all started in the 14-15 range, easing into the 13-14 range. I find it hard and my average for the 2-2.5 mile runs I've been doing is around 14ish. My big hope for the rest of 2006 was to work up to a 12-13 pace. When I'm running indoors (which honestly, I really like because it feels safe and predictable and is so much easier on my body), even though I know my pace is slow, for some reason it feels pretty quick.

Today was a great day for a run - 49, cloudy, no wind - and I had just enough time between my morning chores and dentist appointment to get in a quick 2-mile loop around the neighborhood. So I grabbed my shoes and my dog went for a little run.

Since I didn't have time to do my normal 15 minutes of warm-up walking and stretching I decided to walk/run half-mile intervals.

I could tell Kona was pushing my pace a little. I held him back, but not too much because I felt great and I knew the distance was shorter than usual. I even found the floaty place in the last run interval, and was shocked when I came out of it to find I was coming up on my house - the easiest half mile I ever ran!

Luckily I'd remembered to time that split, so I eagerly checked my watch when I hit my driveway. 5:55. I was on pace for an 11:50 mile! I felt great and wanted very much to tack on another half mile so I could confirm the pace but alas, the dentist couldn't wait.

I'm definitely going through another paradigm shift. Pacing progress aside, even six months ago I would have thought of today's weather as "chilly" and "depressing" and would either have gone indoors or blown off the gym altogether. Now I'm excited about cool days and eager to go out in them and push my limits.


jbmmommy said...

Awesome- you are SO on your way to not only meeting, but exceeding all your goals. You've done your time with frustrations, you're due, I'm sure of it. Smoother times (and faster ones) are coming your way! Keep up the good work.

Trisaratops said...

Nicely done, Siren! :) I love cold weather running now...somethin' about it is oddly refreshing, you know?

Lisa said...

Nice job! I love that floaty place! I found it during my run yesterday, and was shocked to see I had run up a difficult hill without really even noticing it. :)

Great run!

Habeela said...

I'm just catching up on your blog and I'm so excited for you! I remember making that mental break - it's so fabulous! :) Keep up the awesome progress.