Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Did run intervals today. Was not feeling it, barely made it through, but that's par for the course of late. Nothing to talk about there.

After my workout - which included warm-up, cool-down and before-and-after stretching (injury paranoia trumps laziness) - I was feeling pretty good. Not 'great workout' good, but 'at least I worked out on this crappy day' good. And I was happy to be ooooh-so warm and toasty. I layered up and headed home.

When I stepped outside I got hit with an icy blast of wind, and the strangest thing happened. It felt like my quads actually froze - I could almost hear the superhero cartoon sound effect (zzzhhhttt!) when it happened.

Made me walk funny - I could feel the muscles very clearly with every step to the car, reminded me of the pseudo-pliability of half-thawed chicken breasts. A couple hours later, it still feels funky to climb the stairs.

This just can't be a good thing.

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