Monday, March 19, 2007

Feminism Tag

I got tagged by the ever cool Geek Girl.

What five things can I thank feminism for?

1) Recognition from educational authority figures that my academic talent deserved to be nurtured from a young age.
2) Equal standing to compete for the academic scholarships that got me through school.
3) Acceptance into the toughest programs at the best schools.
4) Birth control that allowed me to embrace love and sexuality without undue risk to my education and early career.
5) Competitive, experience and education-based salary at a top company.

I know there is a lot more to be grateful for, but my education and how it shaped my career has been the key to making life as I know it today possible. That's where I feel it most keenly, because I see the hard life my mom has lived and know that would have been my fate too. She didn't have the same chance to escape and build something for herself because she didn't have access to the same educational opportunities I did.

I'd also like to say that, while we have come a long way, there is still noticeable chauvinism in the workplace. It's not the only reason I chose to leave Corporate America, but it was on the list. There's only so many times you can sit still for having your suggestions ignored because you're the youngest woman in the room, only to find out a month later your boss is getting an award for great work after stealing your idea and presenting it himself.

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