Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Humble Pie

The other patients at my physical therapy appointments are usually pudgy retirees. When I'm there getting treatment for my sports injury hearing them talk about their back pain and what flavor ice cream they're having later, I feel pretty good about myself.

Yesterday was different. I walked in and in place of the sweet older folks were two unbearably beautiful teenage girls with outrageously perfect, athletic bodies.

One's an elite gymnast and the other, her older sister, is the most recent Illinois State Champion for the mile.

Her time? 4:56

Yeah. It got worse when the younger one revealed she was born in 1993. That makes me technically old enough to be her mother.

They were very sweet and a pleasure to talk to. It was a privilege to meet such accomplished, confident young women and talk about sports like equals. And I was impressed they did not seem spoiled or arrogant.

But I've gotta say, I'm secretly hoping for the old folks to be there again on Thursday.


Unknown said...

I have to admit, I was actually worried about the number of elderly who I saw waiting as I entered the Orethopaedic & Sports injury complex yesterday. But my doc knew what he was talking about. I have my first PT session tomorrow, and hope they're just as knowledgeable and cool.

Hope you see your favorite elders on your next visit.

Sixteen Chickens said...

Don't worry they don't get to keep those bodies, they're just on loan to young people.

Veeg said...

HA! I *heart* Wylee.

4:56 for a mile. Holy wow.

LBTEPA said...

Wylee speaks the truth!
But it's all relative, isn't it?

LBTEPA said...

what I mean is, someone is looking at every one of us and wishing they were as young/healthy/fit/pretty as we are. But yeah, I'd go the oldies too LOL

TriGirl 40 said...

Are you sure that wasn't her half mile split? WOW!

Seriously tho, someone mentioned to me recently (I haven't verified) that only 25% of the population can run a mile. Just think of how far beyond that you are - how much you have accomplished. [Smile]