Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Planning Impaired

I'm the Queen of Planning. I have routines, methods, lists and supplies. I name my mission, break down the steps, write it all out, create checklists and do routine status updates.

I admit it can be an irritating personality trait. But I've gotta say, I GET SHIT DONE. I have daily lists, weekly lists and long-term goal lists. And if I manage to accomplish something not on a list? I so totally add it just for the satisfaction of crossing it off.

Now that I'm all ready to jump into Official Training Mode, I'm floundering. The race gods wreaked such havoc on my oooooh-so-carefully scheduled season I'm no longer clear on how I need to go about planning for it.

The root cause of my distress is that the date of my half-marathon (August 12) falls smack into the middle of prime Olympic race scheduling. I'd planned on doing the Oly in August all along - there's a variety of options that month, and I felt that was long enough for me to prepare. I'm not sure I can be ready by July, and I feel strongly about not dragging my training season into September because work starts to get busy around then.

Now I've got two dilemmas:
1) When to schedule the Olympic to factor in both training peaks and recovery time for both the oly and the half.

2) How to train for both.

I'm begging for advice on #1.

For #2, I've got two theories and again, begging for input from more experienced racers.

Theory #1: I take a half-marathon training plan and an Olympic training plan, and combine them to replace the run workouts in the tri plan with the half-mary workouts.
My biggest concern with this is that a straight half-mary plan has me running 4 days a week, something I don't have time for.

Theory #2: I replace the run workouts from the Olympic training plan with run workouts from a Half-Ironman training plan.
My concern with this is a vague, unsettling feeling that I wouldn't actually be properly prepared for a half-marathon, or that this would be otherwise unbalanced in ways I do not yet understand.

Please help?! Any and all advice greatly appreciated. I've only got a couple of weeks of my current methodology (the not-so-highly-recommended Lazy and Random Pseudo Base Off Season Training Plan) before I need to officially kick off The Plan, whatever it turns out to be.


Sixteen Chickens said...

"Lazy and Random Pseudo Base Off Season Training Plan"

Yep, dat souns aboot right ta me.

Veeg said...

Unless you've got a half-mary plan that factors in an ass-load of cross-training, you can safely drop one of the HM training runs.

You'll want to (well, "want" is overstating a titch) bump up the long run to hit your half-mary distance and then give you a two-week taper.

I think you could get by with the "key workout" concept: One "long" (for your distance) workout in each of the disciplines, one strength/speed workout in each, an additional workout in the discipline that needs the most focus (here, running).

As for when to schedule stuff. . . I totally suck at that. ;)

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

I love the planning. It's the doing that always trips me up. By the way, you've been tagged.

LBTEPA said...

I'm so glad other people have wise advice cos all I have to say is YOU GO GIRL - looking forward to your fab-o 2007 season

Pharmie said...

I agree with Veeg. Drop the half mary plan and stick to your Oly plan. On your running days, your distances will need to be longer than your regular tri plan. Maybe use some of the half mary distances, especially for your long runs, in place of the recommended long runs for your tri plan.

All of the cross training should keep your cardio up enough to finish the half easily. Only you know your body, but a full two week taper may not be necessary for both races. Maybe just a week? Whatever you do, make sure you give yourself enough time between races to recover.