Thursday, December 31, 2009

All Kinds of Awesome

A few minutes ago Bear noticed I had juice. He came over and very nicely signed "drink." I told him yes, I would share it with him.

He waited quietly for a few seconds, then signed "more." I told him wait just a second and he could have some.

Then he smiled that killer smile and started signing "please" over and over.

OMG. I don't know what got me more - the crazy amounts of adorable, that he wasn't crying and grabbing at my glass or that he was correctly signing all those words without being prompted.

I love that my nearly nonverbal little Bear just talked me out of my juice.


Unknown said...


Sixteen Chickens said...

Yay!!! You go Bear!

Lisa said...

He is so cute!

Hooray Bear!

Jennifer P said...

Sometimes it's the smallest things that are actually the biggest. I'm glad your family is feeling better now!

Unknown said...

Way to go Bear!!! Michelle, we have been with birth to 3 now almost 5 months and when she started Yulissa could only say 2 words and they were signing too! Now she says about 25 words!! Once he starts talking look out because it is stopping at all, all day long!!!