Sunday, January 03, 2010

Taking Stock

I've been sick going on 3 weeks.
I've also been so exhausted I've been sleeping when Bear naps, going to bed by 9 pm and sleeping up to 12 hours whenever Wonderful Husband is able to let me.
I've started gaining weight for no apparent reason.

It's pretty clear I need to call my endocrinologist and discuss the undesirable but unavoidable switch to a different thyroid med 3 weeks ago. I was dreading it, I knew it could be rocky and I was terrified I would gain weight while it happened. But my regular med is indefinitely unavailable, so I had no choice.

Aside from all that, I've been going through the mental garbage of accepting that it's actually been almost 3 YEARS since I found out I was pregnant with Bear. Which means it's been 3 YEARS stuck at the same weight. 3 YEARS since I lost my momentum.

Given the current state of my health, I may not be physically ready to remedy the situation, say, in the next week. But I'm as mentally ready as I'm ever going to be.

So I put in a call to my friend who happens to be a personal trainer. We're going to sit down together (as soon as I'm not contagious!) in a professional capacity and discuss how to get me back on track. She knows we're struggling to pay for Bear's therapy, so she's willing to work out a deal with me so I can afford her help.

The good thing is I'm not like her other clients who need her to stand over them 3 times a week to make the workouts happen. I just need the time saver of having an appropriate workout pre-planned for me, and the accountability of someone checking in to see how they went.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You got this girl. I know you can do it. I'm here for you.