Monday, February 22, 2010

Break's Over

After a weekend of choosing salad over fast food, a great hour in the pool and generally feeling good about the direction I've been going... I got on the scale this morning and found my weight up 4 pounds since Friday.

That's up 13 pounds in 12 weeks.

I swear to gawd I'm not sitting around eating all day. But with results like that, I might as well be. Stupid thyroid. Stupid metabolic shifts in late 30s. Stupid pants that don't fit.

I see the endocrinologist next week. But just like with the whole 150 I gained in the first place, I know this 13 isn't going to fall off even if we do get my meds back on track.


It was a nice break from the drudgery of The Calorie Nazi. One I needed, to sort out my new life with the therapy schedule of a special needs child and a parent suddenly living in Stroke Any Minute Land. But he's back now.



Unknown said...

Calorie Nazi it is then! Hang in there Siren.

Sixteen Chickens said...

*Sigh* It's Monday again, isn't it?

Melissa said...

Hang in there. I know how hard the weight loss is without medical issues and a special needs child, so hang in there and keep looking forward. You will get there. Stay focused. I'm here for you if you need me.