When I first started out it was the terribly painful calf problem. Took lots of crazy painful sports massage therapy to sort it out, and I still have to be hypervigilant about them.
2 years ago it was tendinitis in the left wrist... PT resolved that, but babying the left wrist caused it to flare up in the right wrist.
Couldn't get treatment for that - insurance was maxed out. So I spent a whole year without full use of my right hand because of the intense pain in my wrist.
Then, of course, was everybody's favorite game show, Fun With Plantar Fasciitis. That started 2 years ago, shortly after Bear was born and I tried to get back into running too soon, and with the wrong kind of shoes.
It's kind of like I spent the last 3 years with someone secretly playing music chairs with my aches and pains... the music stops and they move to another body part. But until now, it appeared somebody had forgotten the bit about taking chairs away.
So imagine my utter surprise and delight yesterday when I realized that - after my run workout 2 weeks ago... and my rollerblading last week.... and my trampoline jumping this week... NO. PAIN.

Just been so darn busy I didn't have time to notice the pain wasn't slowing me down any more.
I'm not limping to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I can put bra on without cringing. I can wear cute shoes again. Even the funky thing trampoline jumping does to your calves hasn't been a problem.
Of course, it wouldn't be Musical Ouch without new pains.
Well, a new old pain. The shoulder I messed up 3 years ago - the one I was in PT for when I found out I was pregnant with Bear - it's giving me a helluva time lately.
Doc told me then it was impingement syndrome. It had been fussy on and off lately, then I picked up Bear a couple of weeks ago and felt it kinda... go. Now it's mad all the time. Makes it hard to sleep, get dressed...
But at least it's currently the last musical chair standing. Not gonna lie - had so much chronic pain the last 3 years I was starting to think my tri days were over. But now I've got renewed hope and 2 races in my sights for 2010.
I'm hoping to get in with my doc soon. I want see if he can shut off the music on this shoulder problem so I can enjoy my first pain free season in years.