Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bruised for Bear

My little gymnast's new trick is to flip over the back of furniture.

He thinks it's hilarious. Me thinks he's going to break his cute little neck.

Few days ago he was bouncing on the couch (because the two trampolines he has for this purpose are apparently not good enough) and from across the room I could actually see the thought bubble forming over his head...

He was SO. GOING. to flip over the back of the couch.

Until now it's been chairs on carpet, when he gets out of our sight and we can't stop him - thankfully the soft landings haven't hurt him. But the couch backs up to the kitchen's hardwood floor.

I dove across the couch and grabbed his foot just as he started to go for it. Managed to catch him, but my leg slammed against the frame of the couch and I got this for my efforts...

The bruise is about 8 inches wide and 4 inches high. Whole left thigh is still a bit stiff and sore, but after a few days of healing I managed to get in a 20 minute run and a tentative 10 minutes on my shiny new rollerblades.

He's really starting to get good at pedaling his bike. Next post like this I'll probably be in a body cast from diving in front of a bus...


Sixteen Chickens said...

I know I shouldn't laugh. It's not nice. Let's just hope he can steer his bike as well as he can pedal it. My word verification: slowers

Unknown said...


Sixteen Chickens said...

Nothing to do with Bear, but made me think of you.