Saturday, April 24, 2010

Any Dream Will Do

Been having those dreams.

You know, the ones where you have a race, BUT...

- you forgot your bike
- you forgot your transition bag
- you can't find your bike
- it started without you
- you can't find transition
- you can't swim
- you can't find the finish
- you forgot your shoes
- *insert current race fear here*

In the latest one, my swimsuit was on backwards and I was trying to take it off and fix it underwater before the start. Literally naked and defenseless in the face of the swim.

Don't think I need a fancy coated Canaanite to tell me that one means I'm worried about my swim, given current state of my shoulder and lack of gym pool.

1 comment:

Sixteen Chickens said...

Oh no! Might be time to think about revising your racing plans. It's supposed to be fun, remember?