Today the weather was glorious, the dog finally stopped bleeding (long story, she'll be fine, just need$ a $simple $urgery to remove an angry infected growth) and the baby was in a good mood so we rolled the dice and took a little road trip to Madison so I could get me an Ironman fix.
The baby miraculously slept in the car the entire way and was as good as can be expected under the circumstances. (He alternated between being excited at all the cool stuff to see and terrified of the loud cheering.)
The timing of our drive with Baby Bear's nap got us there about 20 minutes before the pros starting coming in off the bike.
We caught a little of Mike Reilly killing time announcing at the bike dismount waiting for the first cyclists to come in.
I managed to catch a great shot of race winner Chris McDonald coming in first off the bike.

Then we happened to catch women's winner Hillary Biscay zooming through T2 as we finished shopping at the expo.

Baby Bear was
done with being in the stroller, so we found a quiet spot so he could burn off a little steam.

Had killer pizza (avocado, feta, black bean and tomato! sublime!) at Ian's on State Street while the Bear got to ring his first cowbell. He's a natural. : )

Managed to catch a cool shot of winner Chris McDonald nearing the end of the first run loop.

Then we had to hightail it back to the van so we could feed, change and strap in a tired, cranky Bear for the ride home. But I couldn't resist stopping for a quick look at the
Holy Grail finish line.
This is the IM loot Wonderful Husband treated me too...

I heart my pink pull buoy, and I can't wait until the Bear fits into his cute little IM shirt : D
What a great day!!
Yes, the weather was perfect yesterday, wasn't it? Can you believe I never once thought of IM yesterday? Yes, it's true, what is WRONG WITH ME?
I heart your pink pull bouy, and your baby bear!
Great pics and nice surprise you got!
Oh, I wish I could have been there with you again this year!
(Baby bear is really getting big!)
Looks like FUN!!!
Why do I get the feeling the Baby Bear will be ringing that for his mommy there again someday....?
Glad your clan had fun! Wish I could have been there. It looks like it was a beautiful day.
Great photos!! WOuld have love to have gone.
Sorry I missed seeing you guys. Love the baby bear picture.
Wasn't Chris McDonald and Hilary Biscay amazing?
I followed her all day.
Check out
Clyde got an awesome picture.
Maybe we can volunteer together next year. I would love that.
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