Tuesday, October 07, 2008


Yesterday the stars aligned and the universe sent me a gift... I got my client work done during Bear's nap and he still had Grandma time scheduled for the afternoon.

After I rushed through the rest of my To Do list, I headed straight for the treadmill.

It was practically a crime to run indoors on such a perfect day, but I had to be realistic. Haven't run in months, plantar fasciitis still painful and my knees are still questionable. But it was a small sacrifice to make for the joy of a getting in a workout.

The icing on the cake was discovering that Wonderful Husband put the Moulin Rouge soundtrack on my iPod, which is now officially my new favorite workout music.

On any given day I'm all about operatic, melodramatic showtunes. But there was something magical about mixing the soaring harmonies of 'Heroes' with a runner's high. What bliss.

For 40 glorious minutes, the world fell away. Even though I was really just plodding through quarter mile run/walk intervals at a 13:40 pace, I felt like I was flying. I can't ask for more than that.


jbmmommy said...

Good job, glad things came together for you. And that was a great anniversary gift from your husband, too.

LBTEPA said...

*huge smile*

Sixteen Chickens said...

Moulin Rouge is one of my favorite movies and soundtracks. I think I will bust it out this afternoon and see what the Bean thinks of it.

P.S. Thank you for sending the flowers with Teri, they were lovely. I wanted to send you an email but I can't seem to find your address in my 2200+ unread messages in my inbox.