Monday, October 27, 2008

Not My Best Morning Ever

The phone rang at 7:30 this morning. It was Wonderful Husband informing me the wind took a tombstone or 3 overnight. He found 2 of them.

So at 7-freaking-thesun'snotallthewayupyet-30 this morning, I was bundled in a winter coat, trudging through 31 degrees and 30mph winds trying to find the tombstone I spent countless hours crafting from scratch.

The wind usually blows straight between the houses across the street, right for the retention pond. I know this because before we got the big recycling bins, half the neighborhood used to have to fish the little ones out of the water whenever it was windy.

I found a foam skull halfway down to the pond and knew I was onto something. Sure enough, I saw a tombstone floating in the water a few feet from shore.

I found a stick (another miracle - it's all "Prairie Grass Do Not Mow") and somehow managed to balance on a muddy, half-collapsing bank and a semi-submurged rock a bit out from shore to fish it out.

It wasn't my tombstone.


jbmmommy said...

Sorry about the tombstone, you've got creativity I couldn't even imagine. Oh, and the weekend pictures were adorable as well. I can't believe how quickly he's growing up!

LBTEPA said...

this was the most CONFUSING POST EVER (how strong could the winds be? I know you have tornados there)until I realised that you people decorate for Halloween LOL

Sixteen Chickens said...

Ha ha haha ha ha ha! OH MY! I know I shouldn't laugh but that was just too funny! If only you'd been dragging a ball and chain behind you...

If it makes you feel any better my skeleton has blew off the bike seat and now his butt bones and on the girl bar. oh my.

Steve Stenzel said...

I'm sorry, but right now I'm laughing at your pain.

Don't hate me.


TRI Vortex said...

I'm sorry but I'm laughing out loud in my office right now. "It wasn't my tombstone." Now thats comedy.

Melissa said...

HAHAHAHAHA. This post totally made me laugh. I'm so sorry. But it was funny.