Thursday, May 28, 2009

At Least I Look Good in Green

Calorie Nazi Status Report... broke that frustrating plateau. I'm still about 6 pounds above where the Nazi thinks I should be by now, but I'm (very) slowy and (kinda sorta) steadily moving in the right direction again.

Upcoming Race Status Report... um, yeah. I have a race in 2.5 weeks. My foot, clearly, did not get the memo I should have been ramping up my workout frequency to prepare for this. Nor did my motivation level. Or my toddler's sleep habits. Or my work schedule. But I'm going and I'll have fun and I'll probably even finish, as long as I stick with the plan... slow and steady.

I'm trying to let go of my typical obsessive perfectionism and am all about being the tortoise amongst the hares at whatever I manage to achieve this summer. But that's ok, because green is a good color on me.


Unknown said...

Just having fun sounds like a Brilliant Plan to me!

Sixteen Chickens said...

Listen you are going to finish WAY ahead of me because I am not even going. So remember that, ok? And when it gets tough remember that you did it pregnant! YOU CAN DO IT! I like the slow steady approach, I'm so slow it may be years before I cross that finish line again. You are miles ahead of the game!

LBTEPA said...

When you let go of your obsessive perfectionism, PLEASE email and let me know HOW YOU DID IT.
Having fun is a good goal! I'm using that when I race in 4 weeks after 3 weeks off with bronchitis :)