Wednesday, May 06, 2009

My Little Mechanic

Baby Bear helps his mommy get ready for their run together.


Unknown said...


Trisaratops said...

LOOK how BIG he's getting!!! Soooo cute. That boy's gonna break a lot of hearts!

Sixteen Chickens said...

Awww so sweet. And I think he looks a bit like his Mommy in that photo. I have a jogging stroller too, I never knew I had to pump up the tires on it, duh. Learned something from the Bear today.

Melissa said...

Oh my gosh. He is so cute!!! I can't believe how big he is. Can he come work on my bike next?

Unknown said...

This is way to cute!!!! He is getting ready to go!!!

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Wow-last time I looked he was a wad in a blanket and I was all, "meh" and now it's more like, "Cool, he's becoming a person now."
Regarding what you said earlier on my blog: it's a double-edged sword; I've strived not to be one of those overbearing mothers, and all the kids are self-reliant and very independent. Unfortunately this means I don't hear from them as often. >sniff< So, I figure that no news is good news.