Monday, May 18, 2009

Worst Workout Ever

Took Bear downstate to visit my mom and the rest of my family this weekend.

Drove 250 miles through storms so bad I repeatedly questioned my sanity for making the trip, arrived to 14 inches of water in Mom's basement. My mom who's clinically depressed and has a hoarding problem and never lifts a finger to do even the most basic housekeeping task. (My SIL goes by EVERY SINGLE DAY to try to keep a handle on the insanity. And the smell.)

The SIL and I put at least 40 hours into cleaning her house out this weekend... only about half of which was related to the flood.


Sixteen Chickens said...

Ugh. I don't envy you that workout at all.

LBTEPA said...

That's hard, on so many levels ((HUGS))

Shelley said...

Whoaaa that IS a hard workout!