Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'll Have Room for Pumpkin Pie!

Unless I manage to get myself into labor before tomorrow night I'll be induced Friday morning. So it looks like the Little Geek will get to enjoy his first Thanksgiving at home with family, and this new mom will get to eat a real dinner without feet poking her poor squished tummy.

I'm not in love with the idea of an induction but am thrilled to be moving to the next step regardless of how scary the rest of life is right now.

Now (on my midwife's advice) I'm off to get me some castor oil... I guess I'll talk to y'all from the other side of this little adventure!


Joy | Love | Chaos said...




You're going to do a fantastic job and I'm so incredibly excited for you! Life will be beautiful. Simply beautiful.

Lots of hugs and good thoughts coming your way....

Unknown said...

Siren, that is so exciting!

I'll have you folks (and especially junior) and my thoughts.

Jessica said...

Yay!!!!! Best wishes for a smooth labor and delivery :)

LBTEPA said...

Oooooooooooooooooh! How EXCITING!
Best wishes that everything goes well :)
btw I tried pineapple juice to bring things on, don't know how effective it was but it's yummy. Some people recommend relations, but I think they're usually men LOL

All my friends who were induced had much shorter labours than those who 'went naturally' so there's that silver lining.
Thinking of you darl!

Sixteen Chickens said...

If castor oil doesn't work try having sex. I'm serious. DON'T ask me how I know this.