Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Calorie Nazi Hiatus Report

As noted in last week's meltdown, I finally got back on speaking terms with The Calorie Nazi after more than two months. Then I guess fate intervened, because after only three days back on the wagon my old laptop, which has slowly been falling apart, finally decided it was no longer plugged in. Ever. And that's where The Calorie Nazi lived.

It's in for repairs; we're waiting for the estimate before we decide anything. Meantime I'm trying to return to being very serious about eating since I still have to take it easy working out. I've managed to drop two of the 11 pounds I'd gained back, so that's something.

In that spirit, I've been thinking about ways to cut back on my temporarily outrageous eating habits and today I came up with a fabulous one!

Instead of using, oooh, 1000 or so calories worth of blue cheese dressing on my strawberry and grilled chicken salad today, I used maybe 100 calories worth of blue cheese crumbles and drizzled the whole mess with balsamic vinegar.

I'm happy to report it was delicious.

And no, I'm not exaggerating how much blue cheese dressing I use. Sometimes my husband catches me hiding in the fridge with the jar, using crackers like spoon to eat it. I wonder if there's a support group for people like me?


:) said...

phew...it's a good thing I don't like blue cheese. I eat more low calorie dressings like....RANCH! ;)

Unknown said...

I'm a balsamic person myself!

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

That's fantastic! Dread Pirate also taught me a trick: I Looooove ranch, and she taught me to order my ranch dressing on the side, and then to dip my FORK into a bowl of ranch before spearing a forkful of salad. I use WAY less (usually the bowl is nearly full when I'm done) but I still get my yummy ranch.

Unknown said...

Michelle, I just wanted to let you know that my link changed!

jbmmommy said...

Those dressings are sneaky. But good. Good luck with the rest of the weight, you'll get there.

Sixteen Chickens said...

You know what? I have never tasted blue cheese dressing. Ever. In my life. Now I wonder what I am missing. Maybe it's better I don't know?