Saturday, December 31, 2005

Year in Review

In my training log I summarize the end of the year with my weight loss progress to give myself a motivational visual of how far I've come. Very geeky - graphs and everything. While I did make some progress this year, I have to say I'm unhappy with it. Of course, the only way to fix that is to work even harder in 2006, and that's the plan. In the meantime, I'm putting my year-end stats out there for the world to see, 'cause I figure nothing is more motivational than public humiliation.

Original Start: 269
Started 2005: 245
Ended 2005: 232
Lost in 2005: 13
Total lost: 37

I was at 41 lost not too long ago, but a 6 month (and counting) plateau, the holidays and a month of not working out at all to be with my sick dog put 4 back on. I really truly thought that, if I could lost 24 in the first year, I could lose at least 30 in the second. Guess not.

Well, here's to a new year of new challenges and new accomplishments. And hopefully, lots of geeked-out new equipment. Can't wait to see what the future holds.

1 comment:

Sixteen Chickens said...

Ahh yes, there is always the sweet promise of things to come... whether they be gadgets or swimwear. :)