Thursday, June 19, 2008

7 Months

In lieu of anything remotely positive to report about my practically non-existent training, I thought I'd put up some gratuitous cuteness in honor of Baby Bear turning 7 months today!

He may not be the kind of mellow baby that lets me get in workouts while he naps or sightsees from a stroller. But every day with him more or less feels like one looooong training session, complete with cardio and weight training intervals. So I figure he's doing what he can to keep me fit while we make our way through this challenging phase.


Born To Endure said...

Yup..he's too cute!

LBTEPA said...

What a total bundle of adorableness!
Darl, you have 50-odd years of active life still ahead of you - there's no hurry to get back to it while baby Bear is so little and sweet.

jbmmommy said...

So sweet! Baby time trumps workout time for me, too.

We love the Lamaze toys, too. Mr. Moose is a favorite of Cutie's.

Trisaratops said...


he. is. ADORABLE!


Melissa said...

Awwwwww! I love his eyes. You can always workout, you can't always return to this phase of baby bear's life. Enjoy. You blink and they are 10 almost 11. That's my baby. I was watching her sleep the other night and couldn't believe she is almost 11. Enjoy the time.

Triteacher said...

Cuteness appreciated. Yip, sometimes life takes precedence over training. Enjoy! :-)