Sunday, June 08, 2008

Earning Our Road Rights

We recently become hooked on the hilarious BBC show Top Gear.

I could generally give a rat's ass about cars, so it was a major surprise that I found this show remotely appealing. But it's Pythonesque and I routinely laugh my ass off... so if in doubt, give it a shot (you can find it on BBC America).

To illustrate ... one laugh from this morning, as they prepared to race a couple of beaters across Botswana (yes, THAT Botswana), noting that one of them has cardboard taped over the battery because it "shorts on the bonnet," and "the breaks are terrible, they only work on that one wheel...." one host pointed out, regarding the rough terrain of central Africa, "The people of Surrey think they need 4 wheel drive cars because they live on a lane that sometimes has leaves on it."

Point is... this morning we were watching the guys race across London to see who could get to the airport first. One was driving a car, one was riding a bike and one was piloting a boat down the Thames.

Dudes. The bike WON.

It was priceless.

(Just as I was posting this, I heard one host say... "My car's on fire, but in a very specific place.")

1 comment:

LBTEPA said...

Ha!! I LOVE Top Gear, that is such a good show (I was never a petrol head before I met J but we needed something to talk about LOL)
there's one where a car races a marathon runner across London - and the runner wins!