Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reluctantly Reporting for Duty

My weight went up. Two more pounds. Since, like, YESTERDAY.

That's 7 pounds up in about 3 weeks. And I've been moving more and eating (somewhat) less. Completely stopped eating anything remotely holiday cookie related, and even brought in some salads. I haven't had uncontrolled gains like this since the heyday of my pre-diagnosed thyroid days.

Clearly, drastic measures are in order to combat the Baby Bear is Weaning Weight. Because I've come too far to fail now.

This morning, I oh-so-reluctantly turned myself over to a higher power.

The Calorie Nazi is officially back in my life.


Sixteen Chickens said...

Wonder if your nazi knows my nazi?
I haven't looked at my nazi in ages. I took the batteries out of my scale, it kept lying to me so I decided to render it mute. I guess it is time to go check in with the nazi. Thanks for the nudge.

IronWaddler said...

Hang in there-- you will turn it around.