Friday, February 03, 2006

The Salad

I "invented" this salad last summer in a fit of 'gotta use this up quick' that often comes right before my next organic veggie delivery is due. It's not revolutionary or anything, but it's the kind of stuff I frequently have on hand (read: easy to throw together) that, combined, have a hint of gourmet flair. I make it for my girlfriend (aka RTP), with whom I have lunch on a regular basis - and if she eats it, you know it's healthy. Anyway, for lack of a better name we jokingly started referring to it as "The Salad". Had it yesterday, and it occurred to me that most of us are either trying to lose weight or trying to keep it off, so I thought I'd share it with you. It's a big plateful of fresh, (mostly) nutritious ingredients that pack a serious flavor punch.

- plateful of romaine lettuce
- sprinkling of nuts (I usually use slivered almonds, but walnuts are also great)
- grilled chicken, chilled and cubed (about half a breast)
- sprinkling of rice noodles (they add a great crunch, and used sparingly don't add too many calories)
- several sliced strawberries
- mandarin oranges (about 1/3 can, drained)
- sprinkling of freshly shredded parmesan cheese
- dressing (see below)
- serve with whole grain crackers

The dressing is the key - the specific one for this "recipe" brings the flavors together. It's an orgasmic strawberry-balsamic vinagrette. It's incredibly healthy as dressings go - the only ingredients are strawberry puree and balsamic vinegar. Not all the stores carry it, so if I'm out I just throw some strawberries and balsamic vinegar into the food processor and voila!

Another delicious option is to find a dressing with a sesame flavor base (this option mimicks the taste of Wendy's Oriental Chicken Salad). I don't go this route often though, since they're oil-based.

Next time you're not sure what to do with those bruised strawberries and dusty can of oranges, give this a shot.

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