Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Refining Me

Today's run was a harsh lesson in the realities of running outside and how little my treadmill triumphs matter in the real world.

Today's run was an exercise in humility, my 10-20 minute indoor run times decimated to 1 or 2.

Today's run proved I am an eternity from the forge called Ironman. That I'm still mining the raw material of my potential, melting away the worthless pounds like so many tailings.

Today's run showed me I'll always have structural weaknesses, every pounding step on the soft dirt trail vibrating through my bad knees, my weak ankle, tiny stress points threatening the integrity of the entire plan.

Today's run showed me the heat of my drive must be tempered with cool thinking and ice packs.

Today's run had veins of pure gold running through it, fleeting moments where everything else fell away and I was running light and fast and free. Moments when I was strong, when I could feel the forge burning within, heart hammering and breath like a bellows.

I felt the heat. I felt the pain. I felt the truth that the refining of me will take time. But for the first time it all felt possible. Someday. And that's enough to keep me running.

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