Thursday, November 01, 2007

In Lieu of a Clock Tower

Thought I'd vent my hormonal rage at the self-designated Pregnant Police in our society here since I'm fresh out of clock towers and my AK-47 is in the shop...

I am pregnant. That does not mean I am an invalid.

Please stop telling me I "shouldn't be doing that." I know what I'm allowed to do.

Please stop telling me I can't lift or carry. Yes, I can. I can't lift quite as much or carry it quite as far, but I am aware of this and alter my efforts accordingly.

Please stop telling me to sit down and rest. My body will tell me when it's time for me to do that, and I will rest then and no sooner.

Please stop trying to do everything for me. If I need help I have no problem asking for it.

Please stop telling me I'm overexerting myself. I know what my limits are. Actually, spent the last 4 years training pretty damn hard to explore them, and the last 9 months learning how to dial back as necessary. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if my limits at 9 months pregnant are STILL broader than yours. So how about you stop assuming you know what I can and can't handle?

Please stop acting like I'm some fragile fucking flower that will wilt at any moment. Our maternal ancestors had to work in the fields and chop wood and carry water in this condition and no one batted an eye. Now the world has decided it's acceptable for (obese!) complete strangers to lecture us (some while smoking!) on how we're the ones being irresponsible with our health if we try to carry a grocery bag!

Newsflash: being pregnant is hard. fucking. work. We have to be tough to manage it in the first place. We might have days where we need to milk it a bit, and ya know what? We have every right to. But that doesn't give you the right to judge the other 95% of my existence on those particular moments of weakness.

So please. Stop acting like I'm helpless and that you know better than me or my doctor. If you don't, this pregnant chick might have to have someone help her off the couch so she can kick your ass.


Jessica said...

hear hear sister! gotta love those pregnancy hormones - give you the strength to kick most people's ass.

Melissa said...

You tell 'em sistah!! I'll be the first one to help you off the couch!! Only if you don't over exert yourself while kicking their butt. LOL just kidding. !!!

LBTEPA said...

The most offensive thing about all that crap is that people fail to realise/acknowledge you're an ADULT who's been managing her OWN health for quite a few years thankyou very much!
I'm always really pleased for pregnant people who are super energetic and healthy b/c I was so ill and restricted. I'll help you off that couch anytime!
BTW the 'should the baby be (awake/asleep/eating/not eating doing that/not doing that)?' will start pretty soon. Be warned.

Jennifer P said...

Oh yeah!

Kim Herring said...

People always have an opinion about EVERYTHING! I for one extend a hand to help you get up off of the couch to kick the crap out of someone. I'm sure it will make you feel better in the long run.

Just wait until after the baby is born - not only will you have the "should your baby be..." but you will also have people who think you shouldn't be increasing your activity levels like you want to when you're getting back into shape.

When do we get to see updated pics?

Larissa said...

Amen, sistah!!! I've got your back - I can see the headlines - Two Pregnant Chicks Kick the Crap Out of Obese Smoker Offering Unsolicited Advice. We'll be on Good Morning America.

Trisaratops said...



Sixteen Chickens said...

I hope those people are around after you have the baby because it's *then* that you're really going to need an extra hand... unless you can grow one out of your back or something. ;)

Melissa said...

except do you really want them around to help? I'm sure then they'll turn all the comments towards how your being a Mom. "You are letting your Dog do what with the stroller?" What is that, a pacifier? Why aren't you feeding your baby yet? Why are you feeding your baby that? Your baby isn't saying MAMA, yet? My baby said that at 2 months old. My child was potty trained at 18 months and can sign 52 words. Etc. etc. Etc.

My mom died a month before I got pregnant with my first born and everyone and their brother had some advice for me. Luckily, I just did what I wanted to do and she is 10 now and fine.

Siren, you are an awesome person and this little one is so blessed to have you guys as parents. You are going to rock as parents. :-)

Take care!!


You go girl!!!!