Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happiness is...

... awesome friends who make me feel better when I lose sight of the big picture.

... awesome husbands who record the Accenture triathlon even when I don't know it's on.

... awesome yoga classmates who arrange to host our class in their homes during the two month gap between our gym session closing (this Friday) and Yogini's new sessions starting up in January at Parks and Rec.

Life is good. You guys rock. I love Halloween candy.

(Oh, and for those who've been asking... never fear! A self-indulgent, not-remotely-triathlon-related baby stuff post is coming soon.)


Sixteen Chickens said...

It is 1:40pm on Halloween (not even Eve yet) and I already have a headache from too much candy.

Unknown said...

Ah, I only buy candy *I* like. There's method to my madness.

(This year I also bought wrapped microwave popcorn!!)

LBTEPA said...

Thanks goodness Halloween is not a major holiday here.
What good news about your yoga class!
And well done Wonderful Husband!


You know--when you think positive, happy thoughts, those are the things that come to you! (even if it is in the form of candy corn)