Thursday, February 14, 2008

Body Glide Moment

So, last night the baby took an extra long nap and I decided to sneak in a quick elliptical workout.

I grabbed my iPod, got in 30 minutes on the machine (incidentally, 15 minutes in I was telling the dog how much harder this was than I remembered) and hopped into the shower. As I soaped up, there was a distinct - and sadly familiar - burning sensation on the back of my arm.

Ooooh da shame.

I gots da Chub Rub.

Haven't had it in ages. At least, not on the backs of my arms. I'd lost enough weight and gained enough muscle tone that my upper arms lost several inches, and I thought that problem had long since been eliminated.

Apparently the whole torn shoulder ligament thing, followed by the ban on swimming and weight lifting, followed by the crappy couldn't work out for months pregnancy... had an impact on the ol' triceps.

I seriously never thought I'd need to break out the Body Glide for a quickie in my own bedroom...


Unknown said...

I'm sure that will change quickly.

But honestly, I don't know how I lived without Body Glide. Really!

LBTEPA said...

unless I remember to lube up, I ALWAYS get chafing on the backs of my arms, no matter how trim I get (sigh)

LBTEPA said...
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Sixteen Chickens said...

Oh dear. If it makes you feel any better my muscle tone has taken a dramatic decrease these past few months as well. I took on more responsibility at work... which has turned out to mean less time to work out. :(

jbmmommy said...

Maybe every now and then we need these reminders of where we once were- you'll be "rub free" again in no time, I'm sure.