Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Making it Work. Maybe.

I kinda sorta think I found a time slot when I could probably work out. At least, work out in the limited scope of the equipment I've got at home. (Which means no swimming or real running or real biking.)

Baby Bear has started waking up very consistently around 7, eating, then falling back asleep for 1-4 hours (usually 1-2 hours, but sometimes I get lucky).

I could get up and work out as soon as he's done eating around 7:30. Should, actually. It would fit into my regular work schedule too - everyone I work with knows I don't answer the phone before 9 or book meetings before 10.

What I have been doing is going back to sleep for another hour or so to make up for the sleep I lose when I'm up feeding him at midnight. If he's still asleep when I finally feel functional then I tiptoe around, getting in as much housework as I can.

So, on an average day, for as long as he continues to sleep in this pattern, it would appear I have the time to get in some exercise.

Now I just have to DO it.


Jennifer P said...

You'll find a way to make it work. How about running at midnight ;) There's many times when I've considered it! I'm sometimes more alert then than at 6am.

LBTEPA said...

Gently gently does it, darl. He's only, what? about three months old? THERE IS NO HURRY. Sleep ALWAYS comes first! Your body has had a huge shock, so there are no 'shoulds'.

Habeela said...

Happy nap time! And love the pics of the baby! He's SO CUTE! Like Ibtepa said, the time will come - no reason to rush (unless you want to of course). :)

Melissa said...

If you need to sleep then sleep. If you need to excercise then excercise. Listen to your body girl. :-) The day will come where he won't nap and neither will you. Do what you have to do. :-) We're all rooting for you.

Take care.

Sixteen Chickens said...

Just use the time to shower. ;)

Robin said...

Dooooooooooooooooooo it. :-)

hey siren, do you have Wylee's e-mail address? I switched email accounts at work that that's where I had it. Or, please ask her to email me at ( I see that her blog is pvt now and I am hoping everything is ok. Thanks....


brendaj said...

That sounds like our morning routine. My baby wakes up at 7am and if he naps, I take a quick jog around the block. But usually he doesn't! If he would just push his wake-up time to 7:30 I could try and get to a class from 6-7 that I've been wanting to check out. I'm much better with some structure in my routine but I know I have to be patient!

Cara said...

Oh man, I know all about the "do I nap or do I work out?" dilemna! Half the time I fall asleep before I decide the answer. The other half, I get all dressed to work out and the baby wakes up. At 5 months, I'm finally starting to get into a routine. I have no idea how I'll add swimming and biking, but it's coming along every so slowly. You'll get there, too! Hang in there, and enjoy the babe!