Monday, June 16, 2008

Decisions, Decisions

Far too late yesterday, I realized we'd puttered away the day doing things like 6 loads of laundry, installing a ceiling fan in Baby Bear's room (interrupted by 20 minutes of looking for ceiling paint when we realized the previous light fixture is permanently outlined from prior painting laziness), then taking Baby Bear for a float in the pool....

Point is, I didn't get in my run. Which would have been, *ahem*, my first workout in 2 weeks.

Between the BF's wedding, a big client project and just generally hoping some of these injuries would heal, I took a little time off even though I'm frighteningly behind in my training plan.

So, today the big plan was to get in a run (preferably 5 miles, but I'd have taken anything). I had a bit of an upset tummy so decided running outside wasn't the smartest. The back-up plan was to try to get The Incredible Non-Napping Baby to take a nap, and get in what I could on the treadmill.

Problem is, the time it takes to get him to nap (if it's even possible) is often more time than he actually naps. That, and a ridiculous amount of effort (including playing very actively for hours to tire him out).

So, we're nursing and rocking ad nauseum and he fiiiiinally started to hint that he might fall asleep ... unfortunately, I was beating him to it.

Then I had a choice. Do I give in to what was, frankly, overwhelming exhaustion and nap with him? Or do I suck it up and run because he naps about as often as I win the lottery?

I napped.

I know. I suck.

But at least I feel better. (And at least I'll be alert for tonight's business meeting in which I'm supposed to lead a panel discussion.)


Anonymous said...

I think maybe you needed to nap!

LBTEPA said...

Darl, if I ever hear you saying you suck b/c you decided to sleep when you have just survived a tornado, have an upset tummy, are injured and have a small sleepless baby, I will come over ther myself and whack you with a pillow!

jbmmommy said...

Good choice. Those naps are like gold!

Part of me hopes that Cutie will continue to nurse forever so I can at least get a few minutes to shut my eyes every now and then.

I hope Baby Bear starts napping, no advice here, though, I've always had awful sleepers.

Steve Stenzel said...

Yep, you suck.

But at least you got a nap!!


Sixteen Chickens said...

Ahhh babies... they have their own agendas, you know. And they always win.