- repaint halls
- repaint baseboards
- touch up paint... everyfreakinwhere in everyfreakinroom
New To-Do List:
Buy more of these

I was sooooooo skeptical. I assumed they were another stupid product that wouldn't work, but I figured it was worth $3.50 to try them before I started repainting everything in sight.
Dudes. OMG!! They're not kidding about the "Magic" thing.
Every black scuff from dragging my bike through the halls? GONE.
Big black suitcase scrapes? GONE.
Random black marks I have no idea what caused them? GONE.
Rust spot on the sink from a cheap soap dispener? GONE!
Icky grungy schmutz on the door trim from (I can only assume) the dogs I couldn't scrub off to save my life? Freaking GONE!!
Next time you put a big black tire schmear on the walls when you're setting up the trainer, go get one of these before you break out the touch-up paint. I'm not saying it'll solve all your problems, but I've got to say my life - especially the part where I'm always banging suitcases and bike tires into walls - is looking a heck of a lot easier right about now.
I have to agree with you, they really are fab-u-lous! I wonder if they work on people...
They are a fine invention, to be sure!
I wonder if they sell them here? J couoldn't pick up a sock to save his life but gets all cranky when I leave bike marks on the walls
They are awesome, aren't they? I swear I am a freakin' commercial everytime I use one. They should just follow me around and film me since I get so excited that it takes all the crap off. (Yes, I know I sound like a dork... )
Just found your blog and I especially liked your "Sticks and Stones" post. You just keep on keepin' on! I always think that if it weren't for us "back of the packers" they wouldn't even be able to have triathlons... who do they think pays for these races anyways??? US!!! They should be happy we are even coming to their races.
Keep up the good work sista!
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