Tuesday, January 31, 2006

This just in...

... I ran a mile. I. RAN. A. WHOLE. FREAKING. MILE. PEOPLE!!!

Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. I still can't quite process it. I feel oddly normal now, but my whole world is turned upside down. Was it just two weeks ago I was despairing that I still couldn't make a half mile? Was it just a week ago I was hysterically happy that I ran .65 miles?

Once again, hats off to Commodore for the 'no limits' thing, because changing the way I look at my run workouts it what did the trick. I went from hoping to be able to do this sometime in the next few months (and it's been a serious goal of mine for a year now) to magically making it happen in LESS THAN TWO WEEKS! And in a not-so-bad time, considering I'm still hauling around a hundred or so extra pounds (12:28).

I could babble on about this for ages, but duty calls...

Yay for me.

(OK, NOW I'm actually going to work.)


Violet said...

Wait 'till you hit 3 miles for the first time...I swear I was high for days...

Congrats...it's a deed so few actually accomplish:)

Trisaratops said...

That is AWESOME!!!!!! Great job! :)

Sixteen Chickens said...

I am so PROUD of you! Way to go girl! Rock on!