Monday, August 06, 2007


Temperature: 84 degrees
Humidity: 82%
Ride time: 20 minutes
Distance: 3.7 miles
HR: through the roof

I feel like I just took my bike for a swim.



It must be summer! At least your swim didn't feel like a bike ride :-) That's usually how I feel in the water! Hang in there and remind me to be pregnant during the Fall and Winter

Unknown said...

You know I love you...but try that humidity level or even higher with 100+ degree temps. Then you're allowed to complain! I'll factor in the preggers and allow you maybe 5 seconds of complaining. Cool? :)

Tony said...

The humidity, you gotta love it! I went through the same thing last week here in Phoenix when the monsoon came through.

I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the good work.

Sixteen Chickens said...

Maybe swimming would be better than biking. That's what I've been doing... of course it's not preparing me for biking any hills in ohhh... less than two weeks, ack!

Steve Stenzel said...


TriGirl 40 said...

Is it Fall yet?