Friday, April 21, 2006


Carnac TRS8X in a 38: $225

Realizing as I try on the miracle cycling shoes that fit perfectly that they are not compatible with my SPDs and I have to buy new pedals: $125 (Speedplays, if you're curious)

Bike fitting that made huuuuuge changes to my seat position, on which he gave me a discount because I think he felt sorry for me about the pedals: $75

Registration for the Danskin, because now that I just blew almost $500 on bike gear it seems ludicrous to only do one race this year: $80

Hotel and assorted travel costs for Danskin: $150

What my husband will buy to get me back for spending all this money on my bike: I shudder to think

Feeling like I could ride le Tour right this minute: Priceless


Violet said...

Glad to know I'm not the only person who has a husband who engages in revenge spending.

Sixteen Chickens said...

YAY! The shoes fit, the bike fits and the Danskin is entered! Who cares about the $ for the new pedals? It's much tougher to get shoes that fit!
P.S. Just don't tell the husband... ignorance is bliss ;)