Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Feel like I haven't really blogged in ages. Life's been getting the best of me lately and I don't know where the time is going. Husband's on a business trip, foster dog is giving me a run for my money, work's on one of those roller coaster climbs where I work 'til 11 and am still buried, and my knee still hurts so I can't indulge in a nice stress-relieving run. Dishes and laundry are piled high and all I can worry about right now is the projects due for my clients yesterday and today that aren't turned in yet.

I just lost a battle of wills with the damn dog over a piece of paper in the back yard. Some stupid flyer that blew into the yard, I was reaching for it to throw away and he grabbed it. He ate it right in front of me while very deliberately darting away from me as I got close. Yesterday lost half a workday at the vet with him - he ate one of my socks and just for fun, has a bladder infection. So, add one more thing to the list of shit I need to get done: daily obedience reinforcement training sessions with the foster dog.

It's a good goddamn thing he's cute.

Ugh. Want to go run. Can't. Want to shop for new bike shoes. Don't have time. Hopefully I can get enough work done this morning to justify sneaking off to the pool for a bit this afternoon.


Deabora said...
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Deabora said...

I hope you have a very productive day. Good luck with "Foster" and the shoe shopping.

Sixteen Chickens said...

The incrediable sock sucking dog stikes again!