Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid

I went to weight training class today for the first time in about 6 weeks. Between the tendonitis in my shoulder and then my calf fiasco I just had to take a break. The shoulder has felt perfect for a month and I've been swimming with no trouble at all, so I thought I was good to go.

Today we were doing pyramid sets, rotating 3 times around 5 exercises, increasing the weight each rotation (that's 15 total for chest, 15 total for back, etc). I made it halfway through the second chest rotation, maybe 15 minutes into class, and my shoulder starting talking to me.

I tried to do the next station and it started yelling at me.

I asked the trainer if these kind of chest exercises were, perhaps, enough to aggravate a recently healed case of supraspinatus tendonitis. She looked at me like I was a moron but managed to refrain from yelling "DUH!!!" - she politely said yes and suggested I was done for the day. She said next time I come back from an injury I should stick with just one set of everything until I'm sure I can handle it.

I feel like such an IDIOT! Hello?! Six weeks of not lifting at all and then jumping full-on into advanced weight lifting class. Fucking DUH. Now I have to heal my shoulder again.

In other news.... since I couldn't finish weights class I got on the treadmill and was able to walk 3 miles at a very brisk pace with no calf pain! Yay! That was the official milestone set forth by the sports massage therapist for when I'm allowed to reintroduce running!


Habeela said...

No no. Not DUH! This is why chiky-babe trainer gets paid the big bucks - she's supposed to make sure she knows everyone's situation in the class and help them out. This precise reason is why I strongly dislike group weight training classes - the trainers aren't paying enough attention.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I didn't know! I hope you aren't hurt for long. I know you are so anxious to get back into it. Soon I'll hopefully be working out with you again some of the time, although with my fantastic new construction muscles I hardly need to lift weights! Good luck with healing. Bek