Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Pool Hangover

Last night I had a couple of glasses of wine with dinner. It was nice - the last bottle of one of my absolute favorites (a Gewurztraminer) from a lovely little winery in Door County where we often vacation. As I stumbled into bed I realized perhaps I'd had more than I thought, and when I woke up this morning with a bit of a headache that suspicion was confirmed.

For obvious reasons I was a bit slow joining the land of the living today, and so missed my 9:15 weights class. I'd planned to lift and then swim, but because I have a ton of work to do and was already running late, once I felt good enough to exercise (around 10:30 - pathetic, huh?) I decided I'd have to skip lifting and just swim.

I stepped into the pool and the part of my brain that's recently developed into a pool thermometer spiked (as my husband would say, it's my mutant power emerging). Just with one foot in the water I'd have sworn on a stack of bibles it was at least 89 degrees, and I did not change that estimate once I was fully in.

I tried hard to do my laps properly - alternating sets of my newly learned (but still comically rough) breast and backstrokes. But I had to stop every few laps just to catch my breath. My headache returned within 200 yards. I grew increasingly queasy and gave up after only 30 laps (1/2 mile). The pool gave me a bigger hangover than my actual hangover.

On my way out the manager happened to be at the desk so I asked her if she knew the pool temp today. This isn't an unusual question - the water temp is an ongoing battle between the (very few) swimmers and the arthritic water aerobics classes. She looked uncomfortable and said "yeah, I know it's really warm today.... I saw it was 89."

Because it's so often too warm and they don't seem to be able to regulate it well I can only assume there's an issue with the heater. Regardless - I thought it was cool my estimate nailed the temp exactly. (I can do the same with the hot tub - which is always several degrees above the safe limit of 104 and generally so hot I can't even put my feet in.)

I don't mind having an occassional bad workout and I totally get that tmperature preferences of the dozens of patrons who take water aerobics every day take precedence over my 1-2 weekly swims... but I do mind that the headache it gave me is sticking around and is looking impact the rest of my day.


Anonymous said...

I thought it was only my pool that didnt care about lappers :) Good to know I'm not alone.

(I've been reading for a while. I just dont comment often. Keep up the good work.)

Habeela said...

Way to get up and swim even with a hangover and an uncomfortably warm pool. Where is Door County?

jbmmommy said...

I couldn't deal with 89 degrees. Good for you to get that much done.

Spandex King said...

Hot Tub City!!! 89!!! Oh my gosh!!!

I'd go crazy, if your not cold when you get in it's to hot for me!!! Great job staying with it

strem said...

Congrats on your mutant powers! That's fascinating....but sorry about not feeling well. Hope today (Thursday) is better!