Thursday, October 26, 2006

Questions for the Girls

I've got a couple of questions that I have a feeling are the type of thing - like the fancy parts going numb on the bike - that nobody talks about. But I have no shame so I'm putting it out there because inquiring minds want to know.

1) Is it normal to go from 'I could run forever' (after 30 minutes) to 'I'm going to die if I run one more step' (after 6 minutes) in two days and is it because of the PMS?

2) What the hell is up with my nipples burning like they're on fire? I learned about this after crossing the 30 minute run threshold last week. Not something I want to experience again if I can help it.


jbmmommy said...

#1- yes, and I'm not sure whether it's PMS related. I know usually a couple days after some of my best runs, I'm still drained and just can't get back to that point. It's frustrating.

#2- Can't help you there, sorry. Is there a seam in the middle of your sports bra? I have a stupid one like that- it's only for weights class.

Here's mine- why can I only run 43 minutes and then the entire contents of my intestines threaten to explode immediately onto the ground? I've even taken Immodium before longer runs and both times I've hit 43 minutes I've had to walk or risk an ugly scene.

Spandex King said...

Not a girl but I have great days and horrible days on the run.

Guys also have niples. I've used everything from bandaids to body glide. If I'm feeling gothic I go with the black electrical tape. I can also relate to waxing. Good Luck!!

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

Um, not a problem that I've had. On the offchance that it's chafing, I could recommend the "Moving comfort" Maia Bra. it's like an iron breastplate. Seriously. The girls aren't moving a millimeter with this thing on.

Lisa said...

1. Yes, that happens to me frequently, actually. I have no idea if it's PMS related or not.

2. *KNOCK ON WOOD* (no pun intended there ;)) I have never had any sort of issue there. I hear BodyGlide is amazing for that though.

Habeela said...

My answer to all things chafing is bodyglide (it's also awesome for heels that rub and leave blisters).

As for the worn out thing on the run - it might be PMS or it might just be your body adjusting to more than one day of running in a row. It might be hard for the few days but once you take your rest day and start over, it should get better.