Thursday, February 08, 2007

Glass Half Full

I finally got sick of waiting and called the doctor. I don't think they'd even pulled my results off the fax machine yet.

Since it's a tiny family practice and the nurse knows me well, she went a head and told me what it said while we were waiting for the doctor.

They said the rotator cuff is intact. Woo hoo!

BUT. They only got partial visualization of the bicep tendon and they cannot rule out a partial tear of that. Because hello, something is still causing all the pain.

She's going to call me back after the doctor mulls it over. I suspect it's time to consult the orthopedic surgeon.


LBTEPA said...

Fingers crossed for you............

Veeg said...

Rotator cuff: yay!

Incomplete MRI: boo!

Bicep tendon: good thoughts!