Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Inquiring Minds

To answer Geek Girl's question about what goes into the "little" cages visible in my trainer pic from the other day, I give you....

the Dog Monsters.

Kona's 87 pounds now and as exuberant as ever. Sable is my sweet precious baby girl dog. We refuse to acknowledge she's pushing 10 years old because we never want to live without her. She's a 65 pound Golden/Chow mix.

All our dogs will always be crate trained, even though they aren't technically crated very much because I work from home. Sable loves hers and goes in to nap all the time. Kona is starting to realize the crate isn't all that bad and is starting to go in on his own too. The crates are so enormous they factored into our house hunting because we needed a space big enough to keep them.

The crates are also a great storage option for surplus cats...


Sixteen Chickens said...

I can tell Kona is a monster just by the look on his face. "How long do I have to sit here?"

Surplus cat, I love that!

Anonymous said...

Our cats do the same thing, sleep in the dog's crate, even though they wont go near the dog. I guess the temptation of a giant pillow is too much.
