Saturday, February 10, 2007


I was feeling really great yesterday so I went to yoga. Yogini is very cool and lets me hide out in the corner, just doing the poses I can that don't involve arms. If there's something even a little questionable she'll tell me not to try it, and when possible she'll suggest an alternative that works the same muscles. I really appreciate her paying the extra attention to me when she's got a whole class to think about.

The shoulder was barely talking to me at all, and this month is a pretty low-key series of poses for opening chakras so I was really looking forward to it.

Long story short, I did some stuff I shouldn't have. It felt fine at the time and I was so excited I went home bubbly and optimistic. I was even starting to think maybe it was finally healing.

But. This morning my shoulder hurts so bad I'm not sure I'll be able to get dressed without help.

Brilliant, eh?


Steve Stenzel said...


Habeela said...

I hate that! You start feeling better and then something small screws it all up again!

Sixteen Chickens said...

I do the same stuff. I think it's because my body's getting old and my brain is in denial about it. Not saying that YOU'RE getting old or anything, that just MY excuse.

Duane said...

Good luck on your surgeon visit!