Saturday, May 19, 2007

Back in the Water

The physical therapy/swim coaching session yesterday went incredibly well.

First, I have to say that every single thing she said I did right was something Swim Coach Marcy taught me, so I have her to thank for having a LOT less work to do.

Swim Coach Dana really honed in on the details of my technique and I was amazed at what a big difference the relatively small changes (and one kind of big one) made. Even though I still feel awkward because I have to think hard about the new way of doing things, I already feel more efficient in the water.

The best part is that my shoulder barely bothered me at all. I was able to work for 45 minutes before I got so noticeably tired we decided to quit. 45 minutes seemed pathetic at first, but then I thought about 2 months of sick pregnancy and 6 months not swimming.... and I decided it wasn't so bad.

The real decision point was going to come this weekend, when my shoulder told us how it felt about all this. And I'm thrilled to report it hasn't made a peep!

So YAY! I'm still not allowed to swim unattended because I could still easily slip into my old habits and re-injure the shoulder, but I can deal with that for a little while. Barring an unforseen flare-up, my next coaching session is Tuesday.


LBTEPA said...


Unknown said...


Veeg said...

Hooray! That's great news.

And you can swim the whole way through pregnancy -- so if your shoulder hangs in, you've got yourself a great workout!

Sixteen Chickens said...
