Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Might As Well Be Stamped on My Forehead

Last two or three days I've been feeling somewhat less hideous than I have the last, oh, 6 weeks or so, in that sometimes I want to eat and more often than not I'm keeping it down.

So I stop by the store to pick up some watermelon and fresh strawberries, two of the very few things I've been able to eat.

While there, I had an uncontrollable urge for very bad things.

Things so bad, I've never, in my entire adult life, actually bought them. Things so bad I discovered after 10 minutes of searching I didn't even know where to find them.

Undaunted, I found a friendly looking store employee... "Hi. Where are the Ding Dongs and Ho Hos?"

I told Wonderful Husband about it later. His response: You might as well be wearing a name tag that says "Hi, I'm pregnant."


Pharmie said...

Just caught up... CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can't wait to hear all of the rest of your stories!

LBTEPA said...

What ARE those things? ..they sound like pornographic christmas decorations...
I couldn't get enough jelly babies in the first trimester, then it was marshmallows

Sixteen Chickens said...

Ding Dongs and Ho Hos, you get them at the adult bookstore, right? No? The titty bar then?

Unknown said...

Awesome. Enjoy your snack cakes. You deserve them. But, yeah, the combo of the watermelon and ding-dongs would scream of pregnancy hormones.