Wednesday, May 30, 2007

From April 29th

(Last private post before announcing pregnancy)

Felt the best I have in a long time. Only got sick once, managed to eat some actual food, and even managed to walk the dogs around the block... twice!!

(Granted, there was a 3 hour nap between the first walking around the block and the second walking around the block, but you've gotta start somewhere, right? And for the record, our 'block' is about .6 mile around)

On the second walk I soaked in the sun and breathed deeply in spite of the pollen-laden air. My tummy was relatively quiet for the moment and it felt GREAT to be outside.

Had the idle thought that if I feel this good about walking 1.2 miles today, however slowly and separately, maybe that sprint in 8 weeks isn't such a crazy idea after all...

Then it hit me: Am I freaking INSANE?! I've been so sick for 5 weeks a stroll around the block is a major accomplishment, and I'm still blindly thinking I'm going to do that race in 8 weeks?!

But the thing is, I still really want to give it a shot...

1 comment:

Sixteen Chickens said...

We still really want you to give it a shot too. I'm trying to convince Teri to do an impromptu tri with me on Saturday. It's not going so well. She is freaking out on me about the open water swim. Have mercy. What am I going to do?